5 Most Common Skin Issues in Dogs
Skin is the most exposed organ in the dog’s body and is thus most prone to getting affected by outside agents like – weather, bacteria and fungus quite easily. Other than the parasites, pests like fleas and ticks also target the skin of the animal causing umpteen allergies and infections, dragging the pet insane through relentless itching and discomfort.
Rashes, balding, patches, scabs, and incessant scratching in dogs also deteriorate their physical appearance drastically besides hampering their activity levels and quality of life. Though there are many skin products available in the market to cure skin infections successfully, we must first know the common skin issues that dogs usually have to deal with. Read on to apprise yourself of these skin-related ailments.
5 Skin Problems In Dogs You Must Know
Fleas Allergy Dermatitis
Fleas are the most common parasites that can cause severe skin infections in pets. Dogs that are very sensitive to flea bites can develop instant allergies when the flea saliva touches their skin. This is followed by incessant scratching, licking, chewing, and rubbing of the skin by the affected dog.
As the condition gets worse, the dog may also develop reddish-brown crusts, papules, scales, hyperpigmented skin, alopecia, and erythema. Thus, to save your dog from undergoing this menace, start a preventative program throughout the year. Frontline Plus, Advantix, Bravecto are some of the most effective preventatives and treatments against flea infestation and flea allergy dermatitis.
Ring Worm Infection
This name can be quite delusional because ringworm infection is actually a fungal infection, not a worm infection. The infection manifests itself as circular rings and round bald patches. Usage of oral treatments, antifungal shampoos, and ointments can greatly help in the reduction of this skin disease.
Sarcoptic mange in dogs is caused by mites. These small parasites cause excessive itching, red skin lesions, and irritation of the skin which results in massive hair loss in dogs. Mange is quite contagious and can be transmitted to other animals and humans as well.
Environmental Allergies
Environmental allergies are very common in canines and can be genetic in certain breeds. Some of the most common allergens that are responsible for such skin issues include – pollen, dust mites, and grass. So, the only way to avoid such allergies is to keep your dog away from them. There are ways to manage these allergies but you must first know the cause.
Food Allergies
Food allergies occur due to the ingestion of some allergic food items and may cause itchiness and scratching of the skin. Beef, chicken, eggs, and dairy are some of the most common proteins that are usually responsible for such reactions. To figure out which food item causes allergy in your dog, a vet may conduct a food elimination trial that restricts dogs from having treats and the normal allergic proteins.
Nutrition plays a great role in the management of skin issues, thus feeding a high-quality diet and maintaining good hygiene can decrease the chances of skin infections by multifold. Apart from this, always use good quality skin products, antibacterial and antifungal shampoos as well as conditioners to safeguard your dog from unnecessary parasitic infections.
Skin problems are very annoying and can severely impact your dog’s quality of life thus make sure you stay aware and keep him protected from uncalled situations. More so, if you want your dog to have a soft and lustrous coat and fabulous appearance.