Is It Safe To Use a Shock Collar On Your Dog?

Whether pet parents should use a shock collar or not is a highly debatable subject. Though the shock collars hurt dogs, many pet parents and trainers use them. Most dogs get trained very easily, with no harmful training equipments. And we suggest every pet parent to first try training their dogs without any such training device. We would never want to inflict harm upon such adorable and cute faces, but in some cases using shock collars might be required.

First, let’s know about shock collars and how they work.

What are shock collars?

Shock collars were mainly invented to train dogs and manage their behaviour. The shock that passes on to the dog is not high enough to cause physical damage. In fact, it feels more like a tingle than an actual shock but it gets the job done. By giving a shock, you are instructing the dog to pay attention to your commands and deter unwanted aggressive behaviour. The motive is to associate the wrong behaviour with an alarming jolt. Thus, this is to make the dog understand that he is not to behave in a certain way and if he does, he will be punished for it.

The effect of shock collars is not long-lasting, so it won’t leave permanent damage to your furry pal. However, always ensure the dog understands basic commands such as ‘sit’, ‘stand’ and ‘stop’. Only then he will comprehend what you’re trying to convey.

How to Test the Shock Collars

Many trainers say that they test the shock collars on themselves before using it on the dogs. Now, the real concern is, even if they have tested it on themselves, a dog is not going to react in the same manner. When a trainer tests the shock collar, he knows it’s coming. In such a scenario, the person is prepared for the pain. However, when you are giving shock to the dog, he doesn’t know he’s going to get punished. The dog may react in a different manner in such a situation.

There are many kinds of shock collars available. If you’ve decided to get one for your furry pal, choose the one where you can adjust the shock level. Moreover, now some collars also come with a warning button that beeps or vibrates. If your dog stops at the warning, you won’t need to give him a shock. In fact, these kinds of collars are beneficial for dogs as well as pet parents as it avoids unnecessary shocks.

How to Use Shock Collars Properly

Timing and place are very crucial when using a shock collar. If you use the shock collar when guests arrive, it will make the dog scared and nervous around every stranger he encounters. Moreover, he will get the idea that he’s supposed to remain silent in these situations. Therefore, these collars are recommended to be used only by professional trainers or pet parents who have learned it from a qualified person.

The Dog Might Get Used To It

Research has shown that if you use the collars too often, the dog won’t be affected by it. He will learn to live with the punishment and also continue barking. Hence, only use the collar when it’s required.

Besides everything, is it worth it?

It all comes down to one question – are shock collars really worth it? Well, if you think about it, punishing someone for doing the things that are in their nature is a little inhumane. Dogs weren’t always meant to be kept as pets and that’s why it takes some time for them to get acquainted with the house rules. Using a shock collar just to train a small dog is not recommended. If you truly care for your dog, you wouldn’t be able to see him suffering like this just because he barked a few times.

Once the dog understands commands, you can decide whether he still possesses those wrong habits. Don’t use the collar to make your dog learn things quickly. If you can’t be patient with a dog, you’ll always have some troubles. Therefore, think twice before you purchase such behavioural tools for your furry pal. It is up to you to decide what’s best for your dog, but these facts will assist you in making a clear decision.

After all, you’ve brought the dog in your house as a family member, not a robot that needs to be trained. Thus, be patient and things will eventually fall in place. You also need to a heedful about your pet’s health and feed him proper Pet Food, if his nutrition is not well served then it can have adverse consequences.