Looking for an Animal companion? Here are the probable options for you.

The animal-human relation has been a famous affair for ages, and the bond has only gotten stronger with time. Most people would agree that we all go through a state of loneliness at some point in our lives. During such unpleasant times, everyone seeks a companion that can help us get over it, and who else can be a better companion than a pet animal?

As we all know, animals are the best mates for humans. For pet owners, their animals are not just pets, but they are as important as family or in some cases mean more than that. Moreover, pets offer much more than companionship. Bring mental peace, reduce anxiety, add a fun element to our day-to-day lives, help our children become more responsible, reduce the risk of various critical diseases; these are only a few of the many benefits pets bring to the table.

But who are these companions? To help you with this key question, we have listed out the top five animal companions that can make a very good choice if you are intending to adopt one soon.

1 – DOGS

Without a doubt, dogs are the greatest human companions both in and out of the home. There aren’t more loyal creatures on the planet than the dog. They keep you fit by making you move every now and then.

Various studies have confirmed that pet dogs improve the physical as well as mental health of their owners by preventing critical illnesses including heart diseases, stress, and anxiety. Dogs help you build new social connections and take you out of social isolation.

2 – Cats

If you like to have a pet that doesn’t demand constant observation or attention, adopt a cat. Cats are independent animals, and this very nature makes them a preferred companion among both old and working people.

Like other pets, cats help you overcome mental illness and teach you to be responsible. Cats are less social compared to dogs and often get stressed when surrounded by people or other fellow animals. They are adorable and loving in nature but not known to be as loyal as other pets.

3 – Fish

Dogs and cats might be the most popular pets, but both these animals create a constant buzz when they are around. The worst part is that sometimes the decibels go high at not the best of times. With fish being at home, you will not face any such inconvenience as they’re the most silent creatures.

Because they are kept in vivid, colored aquariums, fish are known to bring a positive behavioral change in people with Alzheimer’s disease. Just watching them for some time reduces the stress and brings calmness.

Fish help your kid learn the values of caring and feeding to the smallest of creatures around them. Fish don’t require much space. You can keep them in a small water tank. Compared to other pets, fish don’t need much maintenance. All you have to do is provide them with a bit of food and change the water from time to time.

4 – Rabbit

If you like long-eared, active, playful characters and have plenty of room at home, rabbits can be a perfect animal companion for you. They are playful yet gentle, tamable, and joy to be with. In no time, they form a close relationship with their owners.

Rabbits are an easy target for other predators and should be strictly kept indoors. A cage or a crate is a great place to keep them. The best diet for rabbits includes grass hay, leafy vegetables, carrot, cucumbers, sprouts, and fruits. They create a bit of mess around them, so if you are planning to bring a rabbit home, be prepared for some real cleaning exercise.

5 – Turtle

Many people wrongly believe that Turtles are low-maintenance pets, but the fact is that they require special care and attention. If provided with appropriate care, turtles can live for years. The lifespan of a pet turtle ranges between 10 years to 80 years depending on the breed. So, adopting a turtle demands a long-term commitment and responsibility.

In order to be healthy and grow constantly, turtles require the right kind of atmosphere around them. A small fish tank is not enough for these animals, you need to have a turtle-friendly tank that should be 6 feet long. To keep them safe from other hunting animals, they need to be kept indoors.

Due to their hairless body structure, turtles do not cause allergies as fur animals do. Unlike dogs & cats, turtles are clean animals and save a lot of your time. When you adopt a turtle, your kids will be able to learn to be patient and they’ll respect all animals.


Regardless of which animal you choose to adopt, be sure that you and your family are fully committed to the pet parenting job and prepared to take on the responsibility of your animal friend.