How to Remove Ticks from Dogs (With Pictures)
As a responsible pet parent, tick-check should be a part of your dog care regimen, especially if your dog loves to spend time outdoors. Dogs are vulnerable to tick bites and hence, it is important to keep them safe from these pesky parasites.

Hundreds of tick species are prevalent in the Australia, and they transmit tick-borne diseases, including Lyme disease, Canine Ehrlichiosis, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Canine Anaplasmosis, and several others that affect both humans and dogs. Here is a comprehensive guide on how to get rid of ticks on your dog.
How to Spot Ticks on Dogs?
Ticks are tiny, eight-legged insects that resemble spiders. Ticks bite dogs to feed on their blood, which often results in inflammation and redness. Dog ticks are just big enough to be seen, especially after a bite when they resemble little warts. You can easily feel them as small bumps while running your fingertips down your dog’s fur or spot them using a magnifying lens for closer inspection.
Where to Spot Ticks on Dogs?
Now that you know what to expect while finding a tick, let’s have a look at the common places ticks hide on dogs.
Ticks are black, brown, or tan, and generally prefer to dwell on the warmest and moistest places on your dog’s skin, including these areas:
6 Common Places Ticks Hide on Dogs
- Inside the ears
- Under the collar
- Around/around eyelids
- Between toes
- Between the back legs
- Around the tail
How to Remove Ticks from a Dog
At Home
Once you’ve spotted a tick on your buddy, it is essential to know how to remove them correctly. It might not be a fairly easy task to remove a tick from a dog, since you need to remove the entire tick to avoid leaving its mouthparts under the dog’s skin, which could cause an infection. However, following the simple steps given here should make the job easier.

1 – Preparing To Remove Ticks
There are a few things you’ll need to do before you start removing the tick from the dog. This includes the following:
- Make sure your dog is steady and relaxed. You can do so by giving him his favourite pet chew toy and a few pet treats (along with your love and affection).
- Wear disposable gloves which can be swiftly discarded after use. This will protect your dog from other infections.
2 – Part Your Dog’s Fur
Before you start removing the ticks, do a thorough examination of your dog’s coat. If your dog has a thick coat, it is even more crucial to spot the tick before starting the process.
- Look for ticks in the common areas on your dog where ticks prefer to hide. This will help you spot a tick faster.
- You can do so by making small sections on your dog’s body. Part your dog’s fur on each section and check for any live tick.
3 – Using Tweezers or Tick Remover Tool
Once you spot the tick, using tweezers or a tick remover tool is the easiest way for to remove a tick from your dog at home. A tick remover tool is easily available online.
- Grab the tick key with tweezers from its head and mouth regions and pull it out. If you grab by the body part, the head may remain attached to the skin even after pulling out its body.
- Twist the tick in a clockwise direction and pull it up, ensuring that the entire tick comes out.
4 – Disposing Of the Tick
After removing a tick from your dog’s body, it is very important to discard it properly. Follow these steps for the safe disposal of ticks:
- Kill the tick by placing it in a container of rubbing alcohol or hot, soapy water. This will prevent tick re-infestations.
- Once you finish removing all the ticks, cover the container with a lid and leave it for a day or so as ticks may take up to a few hours to die. Now, throw this in an outdoor trash.
Removing ticks from your dog will not only save them from painful tick bites but will also prevent life-threatening tick-borne diseases. If you face any trouble attempting to remove ticks from your dog, take him to a veterinarian for help.
Also, opt for a flea and tick prevention treatment for dogs that will ensure complete protection of your pal from these pesky creatures.