Is Dog’s Food Suitable for a Cat?
Did your cat just take a bite from your dog’s food and you are unsure whether it is harmful to your cat? Though cats and dogs can co-exist peacefully if raised together, it may not be the best idea for them to share food. Many of the ingredients in dogs’ and cats’ food may appear similar, which might make you wonder why can’t they share food.
According to experts, a cat won’t be affected if it takes a bite or two from a dog’s meal but in the long run, it will affect its health. Cats can suffer from malnutrition, indigestion, and kidney failure if they consume dogs’ food regularly.

In this blog, we will find out why cats can’t eat dogs’ food, the difference between dogs’ and cats’ food, and the ideal food for cats.
Why cats should not eat dogs’ food?
Cats can’t have dogs’ food as they have different dietary requirements and their digestive systems work differently.

Cats are obligate carnivorous and dogs are omnivorous, due to which their dietary requirements vary. 70% of a cat’s meal should consist of meat as they require a diet that is high in protein and fat. Dogs on the other hand can have a diet that includes grains and other ingredients that cats cannot digest.
What happens when cats consume dogs’ food?
As dog food is formulated to meet their nutritional needs, it won’t offer cats the nutrients that they need. Cats’ digestive system is specifically made to process animal-based proteins and fats, which are not present in a dog’s food.

Some dogs’ food contains ingredients that are harmful to cats such as onions, garlic, and raisins that can lead to serious health issues like anemia and kidney failure. Cats are intolerant to carbohydrates when compared to dogs, so consuming a diet that is high in grains and other carbohydrates can cause obesity, diabetes, and other health ailments.
What should cats eat?
It is important to note that if cats consume dogs’ food for long; they can suffer from digestive upset, malnutrition, and other health problems. Therefore, they should be served a Cat balanced diet that is specially formulated for them which will ensure that they intake all the nutrients that they need to maintain optimum health.

Being carnivores, cats require a diet that is high in protein, fats, and taurine in their diet. According to experts, cats need:
- Amino acids like taurine and arginine from meat or fish
- Protein from meat or fish
- Fatty acids
- Minerals
- Vitamins
- Water
What’s the difference between cat and dog food?

Dog food features proteins but also comes with grains and vegetables to meet their omnivorous diet requirements. Cats, on the other hand, are carnivores and their food consists of just proteins (no grains or vegetables).
Carbohydrates in the form of rice and corn in small quantities can be offered to cats but are not necessary for their diet. However, they are very important in a dog’s diet.
What do I feed my cat if I run out of Cat Food?

If your kitty has finished its food faster than expected, here are some of the human foods that can be safely fed to them:
- Salmon
- Peas
- Cooked Turkey
- Cooked Chicken
- Cooked Eggs
- Cheese
- Berries
- Oatmeal
- Yogurt
- Spinach
- Bananas
- Cooked/ Plain Pumpkin
Which food is poisonous for cats?

Foods like chocolate and onion are dangerous for cats as they contain toxins. Cow’s milk is also not suitable for cats and may lead to stomach upsets if left undigested.
If I have a cat and a dog, how do I feed them together?

Mealtime can be difficult in a multi-pet household as dogs and cats often get curious to try each other’s pet food.
Following are a few ways by which you can ensure that your pets are eating their own food:
- Have designated areas to feed them
- Setting different feeding times
- Making use of an elevated food bowl or an automatic feeder
While consuming scanty amounts of dog food from time to time may be harmless for cats, it is important that they receive important nutrients through their own food regularly to remain healthy. If your cat still continues eating dog food, you should consult a vet to find out the reason.