Is Your Canine Suffering From Flea Allergy??

Flea allergy is the most common skin disease in pets. It generally starts at a very young age in dogs. Hair loss along the neck, spine and thighs are some of the common symptoms seen in the dogs, the skin is hot to touch.


The first thing you notice is hair loss along your dog’s neck, spine and thighs. Fleas usually avoid an animal’s feet and head.

So if those areas are bothering your furry friend, it’s probably due to something else,the skin is flecked with scabs and hot to the touch.

Flea allergy dermatitis (FAD) arises when a dog’s immune system overreacts to flea saliva. The itching doesn’t depend on the severity of the flea bites, just few number of flea’s bite can produce intense itching.

It is the saliva from the flea that is actually believed to be the cause of the allergy or sensitivity.

People go for home remedies, but be aware that “natural” does not mean “non-toxic,” nor does it mean effective. Boric acid usually used by people around carpets and baseboards.

These pesticides may kill some of the larvae to reduce the overall flea population, but it won’t be enough to gain full control of an infestation.

Some of the flea control suggestions are as follows:

  • Comb them at least once daily, every day during pest season with a flea comb. Do this on a white towel or other light colored cloth so you can see what’s coming off your dog as you comb. Flea ‘dirt’ looks like real dirt, but when suspended in a little water or alcohol when rubbed with it turns red. (Red blood)
  • Keep your pooch clean and free from dirt,a soothing bath will kill any fleas on your dog, help heal skin irritation, and make her feel more comfortable and less itchy. Also, clean animals aren’t as attractive to fleas. Use a recommendable shampoo of a good brand.
  • Be careful while using natural flea repellent during flea season.

If you suspect something in your dog’s feet than go for foot soaks in between the bath, may be it is due to some allergen present in your pooch’s feet.