Neovela- A Perfect Alternative To Revolution
Providing our pets with an effective protection is one of the principal aspects of pet parenting. You don’t want your pets to suffer from those pesky little parasites, do you? No prizes for guessing who we are talking about here; yes; fleas, ticks, heartworms, mites, and of course, stomach worms.
When it comes to parasite protection, Revolution for dogs was without a doubt a breakthrough invention in veterinary medicine that brought an end to our canine agonies from these blood-suckers. But lately, this product is experiencing a worldwide scarcity. You’ll see ‘out of stock’ notices to most online stores you visit to buy them.

So, what should we do, wait? Well, one would not mind waiting if those insects pause for a while. But sadly they don’t. Then, what is the way out? Try an alternate, may be? But, is there any?
VetSupply is glad to bring you an equally equipped anti-parasitic treatment for dogs, Neovela. So, yes, Neovela is the way out. Try using this broad spectrum treatment on your furry friends and protect them from all those parasites you are worried about.
This blog explains why you should use Neovela instead of waiting and add it to your fur friend’s monthly treatment regimen. Read through to know more:
Neovela & Revolution- Identical Anatomy
What makes Neovela the perfect substitute for Revolution is its composition.
Neovela is composed of the same active ingredient, selamectin, which Revolution is made of. As a result, Neovela fights the same set of parasites that Revolution does.
Monthly administration of Neovela,
- Kills adult fleas; eliminates flea eggs and larvae in the environment
- Controls and prevents flea infestation
- Prevents heartworm disease
- Controls Flea Allergy Dermatitis (FAD)
- Treats and controls ear mites and sarcoptic mange
- Treats biting lice
The active component, selamectin, is also known to treat and control intestinal worms, including roundworms and hookworms in both dogs and cats.
Neovela Offers Same Benefits As Revolution
When you compare the characteristics of Neovela and Revolution, there’s absolutely no difference. Both these products offer the same protections.
Check out the comparison table below to learn the correlation:
Applying Neovela is Easy
Treating your dogs and cats with Neovela is simple and uncomplicated. Follow these four simple steps and you are done with dosing your pet:
- Take Neovela dose out from the packaging.
- Twist and pull the cap off, holding it in an upright position.
- Part your pet’s fur on their back at the base of their neck until the skin is visible.
- Place the pipette on your pet’s skin between the shoulder blades and pour the entire pipette liquid in one spot on pet’s skin.
Neovela – The Recommended Dosage
For the ease of administration, Neovela comes in a variety of doses.
The tables below show available Neovela dosages for dogs and cats respectively, as per their body weight. Choose one that matches with your pet’s weight:
Neovela For Dogs:
Neovela For Cats:

NEOVELA – Questions You May Want To Ask
How soon can I start using Neovela on my pet?
Neovela (Selamectin) is recommended for use in 6 weeks and older puppies and kittens. You may start treating your puppies/kittens as soon as they are 6 weeks old. Be sure to talk to your veterinarian before starting with Neovela treatment on your pet.
Should I wait to bathe my dog/cat after using Neovela?
The recommended time to wash/bath your pet after Neovela application is two hours. To avoid the risk of washing out the treatment, you can bath your pets 24 hours after applying the dosage.
Is Neovela effective against heartworms?
Yes, Neovela prevents heartworm disease when administered monthly on dogs with no existing adult heartworms. It is recommended animals aging 6 months and over be tested for heartworm infections before starting with Neovela as it is not effective against adult Dirofilaria immitis (heartworms), however, it may reduce the number of circulating microfilariae.
Now you can tell, Neovela has all the characteristics to be an ideal replacement of Revolution. So, instead of holding back and placing your canine’s life in jeopardy, buy Neovela and be worry-free.
If you want to ask something about Neovela, feel free to post your questions here and we’ll be happy to satisfy your query.