Top 5 Pet Birds for Beginners

Most people frequently choose a bird that is beyond their skill level. They end up with a pet that is either too loud or, worse, too much to handle. The best thing you can do to prevent it from happening to you is to study more about various bird breeds. You won’t ever look back on your choices in regret. By choosing one that is smaller, less demanding, and friendlier, you may ensure a pleasurable first encounter with a bird and a positive long-term relationship with your new feathery pet.

With so many beautiful feathery friends to pick from, it might be challenging. Whether you’re just looking for a low-maintenance bird companion or beginning your journey to become your neighborhood’s resident avian enthusiast, we have some recommendations for you!

Here are the top 5 pet birds for beginners!

1. Canaries

Canary is the most well-known pet bird, which is distinguished by its vivid colours of bright orange, yellow, or brown. They are also renowned for their singing prowess.

They are regarded as the best pets for families because they don’t need a lot of interaction. They already seem content to spend the remaining hours of the day in a cage. And they are excellent pets for kids as well.

Lifespan: 10 Years

Size: Small

Noise Level: Medium

Social Needs: Low

2. Budgies

Budgies, commonly referred to as parakeets, are frequently viewed as expendable birds because they are easily acquired at pet stores and are quite affordable. However, because of their kind disposition and strong communication abilities, they are highly regarded.

Budgies used to have colours other than green or blue. However, their colours today go much beyond than that.

If you are considering adopting this breed of bird, you should visit a reputable bird’s shelter. A mass-produced budgie should not be handled because it has not been domesticated.

Lifespan: 7-15 Years

Size: Small

Noise Level: Medium

Social Needs: Moderate

3. Finches

The finch is another bird species that can be handled easily. Despite moving quickly, they are nonetheless entertaining and exciting to watch.

The finch is a gregarious bird. Therefore, in a perfect world, you should get two or more and have them put in a bird aviary with enough room for them to extend their wings. Be aware that they might fight if they are enclosed in a single, small cage together. 

Lifespan: 5 Years

Size: Small

Noise Level: Low 

Social Needs: High

4. Cockatiels

Cockatiels is one of the most popular bird species, enjoys being petted. They enjoy conversing, but whistling comes naturally to them. They are a good option for children as well, although handling them requires prudence.

Their grey feathers with orange patches make these birds easy to identify. Nevertheless, various types are offered as a result of the tireless efforts of breeders.

Lifespan: 20 Years

Size: Small

Noise Level: Low

Social Needs: Moderate

5. Quaker Parakeets

Quaker parakeet enjoys making noise. They are also quite animated and positive. Some of them can speak, while others can just whistle. However, they are typically affectionate, especially when they are young and well-treated.

Handling these birds is prohibited in certain states. This is because they are viewed as dangers to local agriculture. Therefore, make sure you consult the authorities before you even decide to bring one home.

Lifespan: 10 years

Size: Small to Medium

Noise Level: Low

Social Needs: Moderate

Bottom Line

Every bird could make a wonderful pet if only it were managed properly. To determine which is the greatest, you don’t actually need a list. Just remember your own preferences and standards. In the end, you’ll be able to identify the ideal breed of bird for your household.