Unveil the Top-selling Flea and Tick Treatments for 2016

Year 2016 is about to end in several months, and so it is that time of the year when companies try to evaluate their top-selling flea and tick preventative treatments for pets. But, before we get into that detail, it is important as a pet owner to explore different types of flea and tick preventative treatments for pets and then decide the best ones for pets.


With three types of flea and tick preventative treatment available for pets: spot-on, oral, and collars; it becomes very difficult for pet owners to select the best kind of flea and tick preventative treatment for their pet, as the superlative product will vary depending on different factors like the place you reside and your pet’s lifestyle.

Let us now look at the different types of flea and tick preventative treatments available for pets along with the best products under each type:


Flea and tick collars allow pet owners to have the convenience of avoiding the mess created by spot-on treatments or make him swallow the treatment orally. These collars are renowned to provide protection to your furry pals, especially in tick-prone area, thereby enabling security to their head. If you reside in a humid and moist environment, particularly near the wooded or grassy areas – a close-fitting collar is a great means to protect your pet from these pesky parasites. You can even combine it with other flea and tick preventative treatments.

Some of the best products in this flea and tick preventative treatment type include:


  • It is one of the most effective collars when it comes to protect your pet from fleas and ticks

  • It kills fleas and repels and kills ticks

  • Provides uninterrupted protection for 8 full months

  • Separate products available for dogs and cats with the same brand name


  • Provides comprehensive protection against ticks within 2 days of collar application

  • Effective for a maximum of 3 months

  • Recommended only for dogs

It is very important that you need to buckle the collar in such a way that it makes a good amount of contact with the dog’s skin so that the ingredients present in it can show their effects. But, care should be taken to ensure that the collar does not make the pet uncomfortable. As a rule, leave a space of two fingers under the collar.

Topical Treatments

Topical treatments like shampoos, powders, and spot-on get rid of fleas with varying degrees of success.


Flea shampoos are popular amongst pet owners, as they are cost-effective and can be easily availed. The great thing is that these shampoos are effective for 24 hours. They are best used in conjunction with other flea and tick preventative treatments, when there are lots of fleas and ticks on your furry pal.

The best flea and tick preventative shampoo is:

Bradfield’s Citrus Dog Shampoo

  • Consists of pure orange oil pressed from orange peel that gives a fresh, glossy coat to the pet

  • Keeps the pet bug free

  • Encourages healthy skin and coat with a glossy finish

  • Smells great

  • Bugs hate the smell of citrus

  • Lavender and bay leaf oil present in the shampoo soothes the itchy flea bites

Spot-on Treatments

These treatments come in little tubes that need to be squeezed on the back of the pet’s neck. Spot-on treatments are more effective than shampoos as they not only last for one full month, but also kills adult fleas, larvae and eggs along with other parasites.

The best spot-on treatments for pets include:


  • Treats the entire life cycle of fleas along with flea allergy dermatitis (FAD) and lice, but not ticks

  • Completely waterproof

  • Lasts for one full month

  • Separate products available for dogs and cats with the same brand name

Frontline Plus

  • Kills fleas and ticks

  • Treats entire life cycle of fleas, including eggs, larvae and flea allergy dermatitis (FAD)

  • Lasts for 30 full days

  • Separate products available for dogs and cats with the same brand name


  • Effective in killing adult fleas and stopping flea eggs and larvae from developing

  • Separate products available for dogs and cats with the same brand name

  • A monthly treatment

Oral Treatments

These treatments are available in the market in pill form. It is one of the most effective treatments that is loved by pet owners because now you don’t to worry about your pet rubbing the treatment on your kids or furniture unlike topical treatments.

The best oral treatments for pets include:


  • Kills fleas within half an hour of administration

  • Separate products available for dogs and cats with the same brand name


  • Effective against fleas and ticks

  • Recommended only for dogs


  • A 12 weeks long-lasting flea and tick control treatment

  • Recommended only for dogs

  • Suitable for all breeds of dogs along with pregnant, breeding and lactating dogs

Combination Product

Fleas and ticks are not the only parasites that pets are annoyed with, there are other worrying factors too, like intestinal worms and heartworms and this product is effective in preventing fleas, ticks, intestinal worms and heartworms all at once.

The best combination treatment for pets include:


  • Kills fleas, flea eggs, flea allergy dermatitis (FAD), ear mites, sarcoptic mange, heartworms and controls and treats adult hookworm, roundworm and whipworm infections

  • Best treatment option for dogs